Parents of Jonah & Noah
我可能是Pebbles第一個或最長久的忠實粉絲。因為我的大兒子Jonah是Pebbles playgroup的第一屆學生。Jonah在Pebbles遇上了很多有愛心的老師。相隔六年,我再次踏入Pebbles,今次是帶着小兒子Noah上playgroup,令人驚訝的是當年任教哥哥的老師們竟然還記得我們!作為媽媽,原本以為會再上相同的課程,後來發現課程不但與時俱進,還加入了很多有趣元素,充滿驚喜!莫說小朋友,就連家長都很期待每節課。直到今天,Noah仍常常說想返Pebbles呢!我和兒子們確實在這裡經歷了不少美好的親子時光。
Parents of Kaden and Kersten
我想為本人倆位曾就讀於Pebbles 的小兒向大家致謝及分享個人感受! 我的兩個兒子也是在Pebbles上playgroup的,現在他們已經分別是小二和K1學生了。回想起兒子們第一次踏入Pebbles, 最初是懷着戰戰兢兢的心情,但很快就被那優美的校舍及歡樂的氣氛所吸引。 後來我發現每次上課的時候,他們都是懷著興奮的心情步進課室,我便感到非常欣慰。 Pebbles的課堂活動很豐富和多元化,可以讓小朋友在課堂上學習藝術、唱歌、跳舞、感統遊戲、故事分享及體能發展等不同範疇的教育! 兒子在課程中學到不少有趣的動作及詞彙,每次看見他們回家後會不自覺地分享一些或做一些老師教過的東西時, 我都會有一份發自內心的喜悅! Pebbles的老師團隊都非常專業,充滿熱情並耐心地教導每位小朋友,令我的兒子們在學習中成長。非常感謝Pebbles給予我兩位兒子擁有愉快的學前體驗,為幼稚園入學做好準備。由衷感謝!
Parents of James Cheng and George Cheng
作為學業的起步點,Pebbles的課程對哥哥博文,和弟弟博仁有著非常重要的作用。Pebbles 的老師很有愛心,而且非常專業,會引導孩子專注地聆聽指令,還啟發他們獨立地完成很多遊戲和勞作。課堂上有很多不同主題的角式扮演,而且提供了很多有趣的教材和道具,令孩子學會很自信地表達自己。完成課程後,博文和博仁很快適應幼稚園的生活,而且能充滿自信地和老師及同學交流,我們衷心感激Pebbles的每一位老師。 Pebbles was a very important starting point to brothers James and George for their learning journey. Pebbles' teachers were very caring and professional, they guided our children to listen to instructions and inspired them to complete a lot of games and artworks. There were many fun role-play activities in the class and a lot of interesting learning materials were provided, so that James and George learnt to express themselves confidently. After completing the course, James and George adapted very well to kindergarten, and were able to communicate with teachers and classmates with confidence. We are sincerely grateful to every teacher at Pebbles.
Parents of Emma Chiu
Emma由她約18個月大時開始上Pebbles的 Pitter Patter,每星期的課程包括了6個不同的部份,讓Emma 在兩文三語的學習環境下對不同領域的探索和學習。Emma 尤其喜歡音樂堂,每次都很投入地跟著老師唱歌跳舞。 Pebbles 課程及教材設計亦是十分用心,主題多元化,生動有趣, (例如:Pebbles 航空、茶樓飲茶、理髮店等),令Emma 體驗到學習的樂趣。 現在Emma 上的Preppies課堂, 透過其課程設計,悉心地安排排洗時間及Emma 最喜歡的茶點時間, 相信能令Emma 更能適應PN 班的校園生活。 至今,Emma於Pebbles 上課10個月的時間,我們觀察到Emma 十分期待及喜歡上學,又喜歡在不同課堂活動中,跟老師及其他小朋友一起亙動。 我們十分感謝Pebbles 的老師們用心的教導,深深感受到他們對學生的愛心、耐性和鼓勵。 作為父母,最開心 的就是見到Emma 每天的進步,喜歡學習和享受校園生活。
Parents of Titan, Titus and Amber
致親愛的 Pebbles老師們: 我們是Titan、Titus 和 Amber 的家長,Pebbles 對於我們家來說,既是孩子成長的寶庫,亦是令家長成長的地方。在 Pebbles的日子,我們看到了老師們對教學的熱誠和友愛精神,感恩三個孩子都能入讀Pebbles,Pebbles深知每個孩子都有他們的獨特性,老師們的鼓勵和支持,為他們日後全人發展大有裨益。 還記得大兒子第一天到Pebbles,有點不知所措,課堂一開始都要抱着上課,當時老師耐心地讓我慢慢接受孩子的緊張不安,並告訴我家長放鬆的同時,孩子亦會被帶動,後來因為老師有趣生動的說故事時間,課室內豐富、有創意的教具佈置所吸引,兒子逐漸在課堂上表現出自信,感謝老師教會我適時放手,給予孩子鼓勵和愛,讓我看到不一樣,充滿自信,獨立自主的孩子。 每當孩子們 回家後,帶著笑容和興奮分享今天在Pebbles帶回來的小手作和老師說過的有趣故事,精彩的角色扮演,我們知道這些都來自於老師的精心設計和教導。老師們總是用心準備教材,不斷地尋找新的教學方法和活動,以確保孩子們在學習中保持興趣和熱情。 感謝Pebbles為我們的孩子們提供了一個安全、有趣和富有挑戰的學習環境,讓他們在這裡度過了一段美好的幼兒時光,您們的付出和努力將對我們孩子們的未來產生深遠的影響。
Parents of Valerie Yuen
As a proud father, I'm grateful that Valerie joined Pebbles Academy as a tiny tot and grow into a happy, confident, and amiable girl full of curiosity. The teachers and staff at Pebbles are warm-hearted and experienced, fostering a fun and secure learning environment. With their guidance, Valerie learned to respond to her name and introduce herself, while making remarkable progress in responsibility, discipline, and the habit of cleaning up toys. Pebbles provides an educational environment where children can learn freely and creatively. Valerie is given ample challenges to stimulate her sensory skills and develop cognitive thinking. Playgroup themes relate to children's lives, like transport, animals, and festivals. Christmas theme was Valerie’s favorite, that’s where she started to connect what she has learned in class to the world. The gym class is an all-time favorite for kids. From obstacle courses that promote agility to creative games that focus on hand-eye coordination - Valerie has come a long way in developing her athletic skills. Through music sessions, she is learning to express herself more freely while having fun at the same time. It's been amazing to see how well she can confidently sing and dance to songs now. Overall, our time at Pebbles has been an absolute joy. For parents seeking to nurture their child's love for learning and exploration, Pebbles is an excellent choice.
Parents of Jocelyn Ho
“Are we going to Pebbles today?” My cheerful daughter Jocelyn asks me the same question every day. Since the moment she first stepped foot into Pebbles at fifteen months of age, she has shown eager anticipation for classes every week. I am often overwhelmed with joy and gratitude when I look at Jocelyn and her peers’ genuine and infectious smiles. The passionate teachers, robust curriculum and interactive learning environment at Pebbles have made a profound impact on my child’s learning journey. At the Pitter Patter stage, through a variety of creative and hands-on activities, Jocelyn has developed her confidence, social and gross motor skills, and, most importantly, a self-driven motivation to learn. At the Preppies stage, the engaging routines, like Jocelyn’s favourite teatime, have allowed her to flourish in terms of her social well-being. The nurturing classroom setting has also helped Jocelyn prepare for pre-nursery school. On top of that, the teaching staff have always been approachable and willing to share helpful parenting tips with us. Pebbles has built a strong partnership with parents, reinforcing my confidence as a first-time mother. Witnessing how Jocelyn has been constantly demonstrating confidence, independence and elegance, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all teachers at Pebbles for their unwavering dedication, patience and enthusiasm. I am glad that my beloved daughter has received such remarkable education and is now well-equipped to continue her incredible learning journey at St. Catherine’s!